Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Top 5 Reactions for "I'm traveling alone"

It is widely unheard of for a female to travel solo, especially a younger female. I have dealt with a wide range of emotions from people from shock and disbelief to support and and encouragement. I wanted to list the top 5 reactions I have heard from people when they find out I'm traveling all alone.

1. "OMG! Are you an orphan? What parent in their right mind would let their daughter travel alone?" This reaction probably pissed me off the most and caught me way off guard. My parents are amazing and while they aren't always excited about my escapades, they support me for it because they know it's what I really want and what will make me happy. And besides, I'm more than enough adult now to make my own choices.

2. "Aren't you worried about getting kidnapped or killed?" Of course I am. However, I was more frightened of walking into and out of work most days than I ever have been while traveling. As much as anyone may assume, I'm not stupid. I use a very complicated and intuitive amount of skills called common sense when it comes to my safety. I don't travel alone at night, I research the locations I'm staying and I get advice from people I know have gone to a place prior to me. I do not have a death wish and protect myself with everything that I have. 

3. What about your boyfriend/husband/fiance? Is he going with you? What does he think about this? Won't you miss him? Some people in relationships find it absolutely impossible to be separate from one another, which has always baffled me. I don't need Jeff, I want him. I am perfectly fine and functional without him but I choose to be with him because I love and adore him. Jeff and I are still at a pivotal point in our lives where we are still growing and we have grown together for the past 2 years, even when I went away on my last trip for 4 months. I am lucky enough to have a fiance that understands there are some things I need to do on my own. We each have our passions and he supports me fully in following mine, with or without him and I with him. Of course I will miss him, but if I never allowed myself to fulfill my dreams, I would end up being very unhappy and resentful. In a little over a year, I'll be walking down the isle to marry the greatest guy I've ever had the pleasure of loving and there's nothing that will hold me back from us being happy together. 

4. Wow! I'd love to do that but I couldn't ever do what you're doing. Yes you can! It isn't hard. Well maybe a little, but when someone says this to me, I do not quite understand it. I've always been told to follow my dreams and I have. Even when my parents weren't completely thrilled about me traveling alone, they never told me I couldn't do it or wouldn't make it. It doesn't make sense to me why people are so afraid of leaving their comfort zone and trying something new? If it's something you really want, why not fight hard for it? I know when most people say that, they don't exactly have the same exact dream I do but if you can say that to me, I will tell you that you can definitely do it and whatever excuse you give me, I'll tell you a way around it. It's not that you can't do it, it's just not enough of a priority for you.

5. Must be nice to have a trust fund. This is the second most infuriating phrase I hear. I don't have a trust fund or $30,000 just randomly sitting in my bank account. My parents don't give me money, although if there's something I needed for my trip, like shoes or a new camera bag, they'd get me what I'd need as a birthday or Christmas present. I have always worked hard for what I wanted most, and since graduating high school, that has been to travel as much as I can before I decide to settle down. Then, I'll work as hard as I can to support a family and home I wish to build. People think because they could never afford to travel like I do, that I shouldn't be able to afford it either, especially since I'm a young female right out of college. I enjoy proving people wrong ;). 

Follow me on my adventures : Facebook and Instagram


  1. Awesome post kiddo! I hope you have a great time! I love you

  2. Tayloy, I miss you my friend! I am so happy and proud of you! Have an amazing time. Be safe, have fun and take lots of pictures. I can't wait to see your new adventures. One day I would like to leave my comfort zone, I'll be sure to look you up! I'm going to follow you through your adventure. :-)

    Chanda (don't know why it says unkown)
